Walking two students

Why TigerNomics

As a college student, some things are common sense; e.g. you should know where your classes are located prior to the first day of class.

We believe money management and financial literacy are not things that can be considered common sense. By participating in TigerNomics, you will learn money smarts and financial literacy information that will benefit you in college and beyond. Don’t leave your finances up to chance; utilize TigerNomics. It’s your money and your future. As a student during your time at TSU, you will learn a lot both in and out of the classroom.

We believe money smarts is not a lesson you should learn by trial and error. Therefore, we have created resources for you to learn financial literacy basics. Your experiences at TSU will be influenced by your life experiences and where you are in your educational journey; i.e. freshman vs. senior, traditional age vs. adult student, residential student vs. commuter student.

We believe a financial literacy program should be individualized so participants can access useful information based on their needs. A variety of information should be available for students so they are able to learn financial literacy that will benefit them.

Thumbnail of How much money should I be willing to borrow for school? Thumbnail of Tips on Loans Thumbnail of A Minute to Learn it - Student Loan Repayment

Check out these Resources for your Financial Needs

Paying for College

Credit Scores and Reports

Thumbnail of How do I obtain and read my credit report? Thumbnail of Best Practices when Applying for a Credit Card.

Money Management and Budgeting


Thumbnail of How to Build a Budget Thumbnail of How to Research Housing Options
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  • Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
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